Anita Roddick

audiobook (1, Unabridged) The Mind of a Leader Legends

By Anita Roddick

cover image of Anita Roddick
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Experience a first-hand interview with the legendary Dame Anita Roddick, Founder of 'The Body Shop', human rights activist and environmental campaigner. Dame Anita Roddick is an example of an inspirational modern female leader and entrepreneur that was able to think outside the box, walk the talk and achieve tremendous corporate success while upholding humane values. Throughout her career, her personal and corporate reputation followed her actions. The Body Shop, a cosmetics company producing and retailing natural beauty products, was one of the first to prohibit the use of ingredients tested on animals and one of the first to promote fair trade with third world countries. The Mind of a Leader Legends is an outstanding training and development tool offering practical hands-on advice in regards to both individual and organizational success. A fascinating journey to the inside of successful modern organizations and leadership minds.

Anita Roddick