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过圣诞啦 (ESL Stories For...

洛伦·C·莫里森 Author
Fiberead Editor

环保达人莎莉 (Sally Goes Green)

索非亚·多曼 Author
Fiberead Editor

牙痛的小狮子 (The lion who want to...

夏洛塔·卡琳·奥博格 Author
Fiberead Editor

奥比和小蟑螂 (Obi and the cockroach)

夏洛塔·卡琳·奥博格 Author
Fiberead Editor

烧烤一团糟 (Barbecue Blunder)

蒙提·J·麦克莱恩 Author
Fiberead Editor

伊妮和猩猩 (Ini and the chimpanzees)

夏洛塔·卡琳·奥博格 Author
Fiberead Editor