A Dictionary for the Modern...

Dictionaries for the Modern Musician (Series)

Matthew Hoch Author

Voice Secrets

Music Secrets for the Advanced Musician (Series)

Matthew Hoch Author
Linda Lister Author

So You Want to Sing Sacred Music

So You Want to Sing (Series)

Matthew Hoch Editor

So You Want to Sing CCM...

So You Want to Sing (Series)

Matthew Hoch Editor

So You Want to Sing Music by...

So You Want to Sing (Series)

Matthew Hoch Author
Linda Lister Author

So You Want to Sing World Music

So You Want to Sing (Series)

Matthew Hoch Editor

So You Want to Sing with...

So You Want to Sing (Series)

Matthew Hoch Editor

The Essentials of CoreSinging

Meribeth Dayme Author
Cynthia Vaughn Editor